How to join Choir Boys MC in Nevada

Must be active or retired Law Enforcement.

Must own and ride a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.


If you meet the following requirements, Please contact Mike De Al Campo at


Jay and Rocco

Choir Boys MC Founders

About Choir Boys MC

The Choir Boys MC originated in Southern California and was conceived on February 17, 1991. The club was founded by Jay Ellsworth and Rocco Shonts, two Police Officers from Vernon Police Department located in Los Angeles County, California. They both enjoyed riding Harley Davidson Motorcycles and the camaraderie of other Law Enforcement Officers.

While participating at a “Support the Troops” Ride that ended at a small biker bar in La Vida Canyon, Brea, California they sat down and started discussing on how they could develop an exclusive Police Officers – Harley Davidson Only Club. During their discussion, Jay Ellsworth developed and drew the clubs colors on a bar napkin and the clubs name was taken from the 1970’s movie “The Choir Boys” which was made from the book “Choir Boys” by LAPD Sgt. Joseph Wambaugh. “Choir Practice” is a term meaning to go out after work and socialize.

The by-laws of the club keep it’s members at the highest level of professionalism and order. the club’s membership includes men and women, both active and retired, that have a variety of job assignments with many of them at the executive, command and supervisory levels. Our by-laws are strict and we are dedicated to a high level of personal and professional standards. Any member who discredits our club will be dismissed.

Citizens who are familiar with us, know that we are doing honorable deeds for our fellows officers in need and to the community at large. Choir Boys often participate in charitable events and community programs to personally involve themselves in Community Oriented Policing objectives and to break the stereotype of the leather-clad Harley Davidson rider.